All Things UC and State Colleges
If you are planning to apply to a California State University (CSU), the application deadline has been extended. The new deadline is now December 15th!
High school students interested in attending a UC/CSU following their senior year must meet certain requirements. These requirements are known as A-G and can be found here.
Attention students! The CSU and UC system is waving the SAT/ ACT requirements for applications this 2020/21 school year. Please click on the links below to read more in depth information:
- UC application important information (Scroll to bottom) https://admission.
universityofcalifornia.edu/ response-covid-19.html - CSU Important information about SAT/ ACT tests: https://www2.calstate.edu/
apply/freshman/getting_into_ the_csu/Pages/testing- requirements.aspx - ACT information https://www.act.org/content/
act/en/covid-19.html - SAT information: https://pages.collegeboard.
org/sat-covid-19-updates#:~: text=check%20other%20dates.-, Registration%20Details,is% 20open%20for%20all%20students. &text=Please%20know%20that% 20colleges%20understand,for% 20the%20upcoming%20admissions% 20cycle.
California State University
CSU Educational Opportunity Program
The CSU Educational Opportunity Program is to improve access of low-income, first generation and historically disadvantaged students with potential for academic success by making higher education a possibility. EOP provides a comprehensive program of support services which include, but are not limited to, recruitment, preadmission counseling, orientation, summer program, diagnostic testing, financial aid follow-up, special admissions, pre introductory instruction, academic advisement, tutoring, learning skill services, and personal, educational and career counseling.